Case Studies

Case Study Jobcoating

HMP Harzer Metallprofile - Improved production capacity and higher level of automation with MagicCylinder EquiFlow QCS04 booth, OptiCenter OC07 powder management with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, MagicControl 4.0 system control, Vertical axes ZA07 / XT10 amd OptiGun GA03 automatic guns

Case Study Jobcoating

Ezuriko Engineering - Improved coating quality and higher productivity with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, OptiCenter OC07 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, Dynamic Contour Detction system with UA05 gun axes and ZA16 vertical axes, OptiGun GA03  automatic guns and MagicControl 4.0 system control

Case Study Hobby Garden Leisure: bicycles

SA.VE.M SRL - Powder savings and increased productivity with MagicCompact EquiFlow BA04 booth, OptiCenter OC07 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns and Vertical axes type ZA07

Case Study Job Coating

Kurt Opfer - Powder savings and cost reductions with MagicCylinder EquiFlow booth, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns, OptiCenter OC07 powder management center with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps and ultrasonic sieve, Vertical axes ZA06 and MagicControl

Case Study Architecture: Aluminium Profiles

GARNALEX - Premium coating result, fast color changge and advanced production management with MagicCylinder EquiFlow booth QCS04, OptiCenter OC07 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns and MagicControl 4.0 with GemaConnect  

Case Study Jobcoating

VRB Srl - Powder savings and quality consistancy with OptiCenter OC07 powder management with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps, MagicControl 4.0 system control, Vertical axes type ZA07 and OptiFlex Automatic control cabinet

Case Study Architecture: Aluminum Profiles

EKO DEKOR - Constant powder output and consistent coating quality with OptiCenter OC07 with OptiSpray AP01 application pumps and ultrasonic sieve US07, OptiFeed PP06 fresh powder feed, OptiGun GA03 automatic guns and MagicControl 4.0

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